Oskari Nissinen

Oskari Nissinen



Identity verified

Sisätimpurintyöt, maalaustyöt PK-seutu

Listoitukset, lattia-asennukset, oviasennukset ym. sisätimpurin työt. Myös ulkomaalaukset! Laadukkaasti ja asiakasta kuunnellen.

Identity verified

Oskari has successfully completed identity verification in the Done app.

Oskari N. reviews

Oskari Nissinen





Done guarantee

First job, then payment
Once the work is completed, the payment is securely made on Done.

Verified sellers
Done strongly identifies each provider. Identification is done with bank credentials.

Liability insurance
For possible damage, providers have liability insurance.

Customer service
Done's customer service is available to assist you every day of the year.


50,00 €From