Arber Zhitia

Arber Zhitia



Identity verified


Tarjoan erilaisia asennustöitä kotisi tarpeisiin. Esimerkiksi tavaroiden kiinnitykset ja koneiden asennukset onnistuvat. En kuitenkaan pysty tekemään suuria asennuksia, joihin vaaditaan lupia.
Lisäksi tarjoan erilaisia kuljetuspalveluita. Minulla on B-, C- ja E-ajoluvat.

I offer various installation services for your home needs. These include tasks such as mounting items, installing appliances, and similar jobs. However, I cannot perform large-scale installations that require permits.
Additionally, I provide various transportation 
assistance. I hold B, C, and E driving licenses.

Identity verified

Arber has successfully completed identity verification in the Done app.

Arber Z. reviews

Arber Zhitia





Done guarantee

First job, then payment

You make the payment only after the installation or fixing is completed.

Verified sellers

Done strongly verifies the identity of each installer. Authentication is done with banking credentials.

Liability insurance

Installers have liability insurance in case of damages.

Customer service

Done's customer service is available to assist you every day of the year.


50,00 €From