Eero Rantanen

Eero Rantanen



Identity verified

Lumen kolaaminen pk seutu

Tarjoan lumen kolaamis palveluita pk seudulla. Tarvittavat välineet tuon paikalle saapuessani. Kolasin lunta viime myös viime talvella ja palaute asiakkailta oli mainiota! Sovitaan tarkemmin viesteissä.

Identity verified

Eero has successfully completed identity verification in the Done app.

Eero R. reviews

Eero Rantanen





Done guarantee

First job, then payment

You make the payment securely on Done after the job is completed.

Verified sellers

Done strongly identifies each provider. Authentication is done through online banking credentials.

Liability insurance

Service provides have liability insurance in case of accidents.


If the provider doesn't show up or the job is left incomplete, we arrange a replacement for you.

Customer service

Done's customer service is available to assist you every day of the year.


15,00 €From