Jenna Matero

Jenna Matero



Identity verified

Koiran ulkoilutus tampereella

Voin viedä koiraasi lenkille tampereella lielahdessa. Voin tietysti hoitaa niitä myös kotonasi ja myös esimerkiksi kissoja. Meillä on koira joten kokemusta on. Ja myös kaksi kissaa.

Identity verified

Jenna has successfully completed identity verification in the Done app.

Jenna M. reviews

Jenna Matero





Done guarantee

First job, then payment

You make the payment only after the dog care or walking has been completed.

Verified sellers

Done strongly identifies each dog caretaker. Identification is done with bank credentials.

Customer service

Done's customer service is available to assist you every day of the year.


10,00 €From