Tmi Samu Pekkala

Tmi Samu Pekkala



Identity verified

Huonekalujen kasaus ⚒️

Huonekalujen huolellinen kasaaminen luotettavasti nopeallakin aikataululla. 

Kalusteiden säätö ja pienkorjaukset.

Myös vanhojen huonekalujen purku osiin.

Ota rohkeasti yhteyttä matalalla kynnyksellä, sovitaan työnhinta tapauskohtaisesti. 

📍Porvoo (Sovittaessa myös mahdollisuus PK-seudulle)

Identity verified

Tmi has successfully completed identity verification in the Done app.

Tmi S. reviews

Tmi Samu Pekkala





Done guarantee

First job, then payment

You make the payment only after the furniture is assembled as agreed.

Verified sellers

Done identifies each furniture assembler strongly. Identification is done with bank credentials.

Liability insurance

In case of damage, the furniture assembler has liability insurance.


If the assembler doesn't show up or the job is left incomplete, we will arrange a replacement for you.

Customer service

Done's customer service is available to assist you every day of the year.


39,00 €Hourly rate